Holder Benefit

Pixel Battle Official Opensea : Link

Pixel Battle Official NFT Minting : Link

Various benefits are provided for the pilots owning Mecha NFTs. Current benefits are based on the Mecha being equipped..

Additional daily Arena Mode tickets: Resets daily at 00:00 UTC.

  • Legendary : +3장

  • Hero : +2장

  • SuperRare : +1장

  • Rare : +1장

Additional points for Survival Mode Reward chest: Increased reward points per round.

  • Legendary : +50%

  • Hero : +40%

  • SuperRare : +25%

  • Rare : +10%

  • Common : +10%

Discount on Colosseum Mode fee: Less fee taken from the reward.

  • Legendary : -3%

  • Hero : -2%

  • SuperRare : -1.5%

  • Rare : -1%

Last updated